
(2021). Post-Quantum Cryptography Based on Codes: A Game Changer for Secrecy in Aeronautical Mobile Telemetry. International Telemetry Conference (ITC).

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(2020). Performance Evaluation of Wireless data traffic in Mm wave massive MIMO communication. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

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(2020). Who's On First In 5G Mobile Networks: Equalizers or Polarization Diversity Combiners?. Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC).

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(2020). On Polarization Dependent Equalization in 5G mmWave Systems. International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC).

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(2019). Polarization diversity and equalization of frequency selective channels in telemetry environment for 16APSK. International telemetry conference (ITC).

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(2018). On the performance of filter based equalizers for 16apsk in aeronautical telemetry environment. Proceedings of the International Telemetering Conference.

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(2018). On Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Optimization for Coded APSK. International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems(ISWCS).

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